Benedictus qui venit in nomine veritatis
Estos son los trabajos de una vida de búsqueda.
Sugiero revisar primero los tres textos de la sección Presentación.
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“There was once a queer old man who lived in a cave where he had refuge from the noise of the villages. He was reputed to be a sorcerer, and therefore he had disciples who hoped to learn the art of sorcery from him. But he himself was not thinking of any such thing. He was only seeking to know what it was that he did not know but which he felt certain, was always happening. After meditating for a very long time on that which is beyond meditation, he saw no other way of escape from his predicament than to take a piece of red chalk and draw all kind of diagrams on the wall of his cave, in order to find out what that which he did not know might look like. After many attempts he hit on the circle. “That´s right,” he felt, “and now for a quadrangle inside it!” –which made it better still. His disciples were curious; but all they could make out was that the old man was up to something, and they would have given anything to know what he was doing. But when they asked him: “what are you doing there?” he made no reply. Then they discovered the diagrams on the wall and said: “that´s it!” –and they all imitated the diagrams. But in so doing they turned the whole process upside down, without noticing it: they anticipated the result in the hope of making the process repeat itself which had led to that result. This is how it happened then and how it still happens today.”
pars 233ff, part 1, volume 9, The Collected Works of C.G. Jung (1940)
“No nos gusta conceder que dentro de nosotros existen potencias, cuyas voliciones son diferentes de las nuestras y que exigen ser tomadas en consideración. Se ignora lo que son estas potencias, pero se las aborda con una desconfianza insuperable; y sin prestarles más atención se las reprime. Son siempre individuos -tomados uno a uno, quienes sufren el problema de esta incompatibilidad grave en lo más profundo de sí mismos, los llamados a responder y contribuir a su solución, desde sus propias vidas -puesto que no pueden evitarlo.”
Del Sueño al Mito, L’homme à la découverte de son âme (Structure et fonctionnement de l’inconscient), C.G. Jung (1944)
“¿Soy yo el que puede permitirse dar a estas elegías la explicación justa? Creo que ellas me sobrepasan infinitamente. Yo las considero como una nueva elaboración de aquellos supuestos esenciales que aparecieron ya en mi obra.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, a su editor Witold Hulewicz
«… paisajes de una grandeza tal, que uno hallaría en ellos espacio suficiente después de la muerte. Al menos por algún tiempo.»
Tora Holmstrom (1920)
“Dioses. Dioses.
Los he visto danzar con movimientos horribles:
y yo huía enloquecido, soportando las revelaciones.
¿Cómo viviremos estos días sin desesperarnos?
Ya hemos levantado sobre los días hórridos un tiempo más puro.”
Juan Ojeda Ojeda (1962)